by Sandy Moffett | Jun 13, 2020 | article
I had been good about mask wearing, even made masks for others with donated materials and left them in sealed bags on doorsteps. I had been good about social distancing, not leaving the house unless necessary; my only respite being the back yard and a walk to the...
by Sandy Moffett | Jun 8, 2020 | article
“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King Junior I have never had a literal kick in the gut, but I am sure what I felt yesterday was as close as I ever want to get. Our...
by Sandy Moffett | May 27, 2020 | article
The definition of super hero has transformed – not as visibly as a toy turning into a mammoth metal warrior – but transformed, all the same. Capes and tights have been replaced by hazmat suits and facemasks. Hands are cleaned and sanitized so many times, it’s a...
by Sandy Moffett | May 8, 2020 | article
I am drawn by an invisible tug, a need for something more than the walls of inside. I move outside and sit with the sun on my back. The metal edge of the table frame burns my arms as I lean against it, but it feels somehow awakening. The finches drink from the...
by Sandy Moffett | Apr 21, 2020 | article
Before the Blessing Comes Lord it’s easy to praise You on the backside of the blessing When the answer has already come. But do I trust enough, do I have faith enough to sing Before the answer comes? When I have crossed the raging waters and reached the other...
by Sandy Moffett | Apr 7, 2020 | article
It’s all about masks these days. Even as I write this, there are yards of fabric waiting to be cut and sewn. It seems the least I can do while I sit under the Shelter at Home order. They are multiplying like rabbits. Masks are in every store, drive-through or...